Sunday, August 26, 2012

Reality TV

Reality television is not what it says it is. There is almost nothing "real" about reality television. In order for a reality TV program to be successful you are not able to actually show reality due to the fact that people would not be interested in it. People like to watch things that interest them and watching people do what they do every day. So people are forced to find people that live abnormal lives in order to make it more interesting. This at a long-term effect changed even the people they are video taping. In order for their “reality television” program to become more successful the people start to act more and more abnormal. This may improve their ratings but it makes the “reality” part of “reality” television less real. So when people watch this they begin to get a false sense of what is real. This makes people feel that their lives are boring and how people on the “reality” television do so much more. With people using technology more and more makes having a false sense of reality dangerous. That is because since more and more people are spending the majority of their time on computers, and television, people can make this false sense of reality almost real to them. By only talking to people who live their lives like they do on TV. This makes them believe even more that, that is how people live their lives. Now all of this can seriously affect peoples lives by either making them act like people do on TV because that’s how they think they are suppose to live, or making them jealous of those people who do live their lives like that which can lead into a type of depression. Now reality TV doesn’t affect my life too much due to the fact that I do not watch those programs and the majority of the people I spend time with also don’t watch those types of things. So I do not pay much attention to how hose people on TV live their “reality” lives. My overall feeling about this is that reality TV has a negative effect on young people’s lives. People that can be easily manipulated with television and things on the Internet (which is most likely teenagers) are more likely to create this false reality that I talked about before, and are more likely to have the consequences that I talked about.

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