Tuesday, October 23, 2012

video games

I really enjoyed the video clip over the article because I pretty much agree with ever-single point she talked about. Even from the beginning where she talked about how pretty much every form of art started out as something that was almost gibberish, or just did not seem like art at all, but over time all these forms evolved into the great forms of art, as we know them. This also goes along with video games they aren’t exactly the newest things, but they are some what recent and especially in this technology era we are currently in, with all of this technology people are being able to use new graphics to be able to add more effects and make things look more like the game designers wanted them to.

A big point that I want to focus on is, how I believe that we talked about art a little bit in this class at the very beginning, now I might be mistaken, but the questions was, can an animal create art? The answer was that they couldn’t because the animal is not putting the paint on the page in a specific order that they see it in their mind. That the truth is that they are just randomly throwing colors on a page. So relating this to video games you can see that, the game designers do the exact opposite of this. These game designers choose exactly where they want to put anything in the game, they decide the sizes, and the even think of the specific colors they want to see. If you look at these concepts it looks like exactly what an artist would do on a painting, he would look at his canvas, which is the whole setting of the game. He draws what he wants to be the setting is, which is just where the game takes place. They both choose the color scheme that they want to see. Now in a painting the artist chooses where he wants the focus to be in the painting, while in a video game, the designer has an advantage at this point. Do to the fact that they are able to make the focus what they want it to be and through out the game they can change this. They can either do this by moving the viewpoint of the game and the interactivity in the games allow the person playing to be able to go through and actually make the focus what they are more interested in. Also the designer is able to put his special view point into life, and use there video game product to show how they picture their life much like artists do in their paintings.

Now I understand that there are so some games that are not art, such as the Call of Duty games, which are just all about entertainment and random action, but at the same time not every single writing piece made is a giant thing of art, the same goes with all drawn pieces of art. Now taking all this that I said I easily see how a game designer can take a video game and turn into a wonderful piece of art of their own imagination. Now how is that not art?

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