Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Honey boo boo

Albom linked these to things because he views that more people are interested in watching TV, and not even considering what they are actually watching. People are loosing their morals of what is right and wrong when they see it on TV, and people are willing to do outrages things or not do anything in order to get "good footage". Albom seemed disappointed to see what people are becoming, and almost seemed in aw on how people could actually allow this to happen. I personally got sick to my stomach watching both, how people could allow a little girl to do what she does, and how people could just sit back and video tape. I feel like that I am even more discouraged about america and people in it then Albom is. I feel like people are drawn to this type of television because the american people love to watch the "outrages" sides of people lives. I do not believe that people are becoming apathetic. I think that people are understanding to this and think that it is somewhat acceptable because it is on TV, and i believe that people have the false thought that if it is on TV that means that it is ok, and think that if it was to bad the law would stop or they TV networks would refuse to show it.

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