Thursday, November 1, 2012

Proposal Draft

For my documentary I am going to observe how Facebook changes people. By this I am wondering if people act differently in the real world so they are able to talk about it in their cyber world. If the power of the all mighty “like” button can make people go out and do things they usually wouldn’t do in order to get likes on their Facebook. Or maybe people saw things on Facebook that got popularity and they wanted to become a part of it so they could join that group of people and make them seem more popular on their cyber profile.

Now I big difficulty in this subject is finding people to interview. The difficult part is that no one would want to admit that they are doing things only for Facebook likes, or that they joined certain groups just because they wanted to see the popularity in their Facebook rise. To get around this I am going to have to find ways to get the information I need, but not at a direct approach. My questions are going to have to be very carefully worded, because people will get defensive about it if I go directly at it, and then I will not be able to get the information I need.

Now I would want to interview people that are in sports or clubs, because they may have become interested in them because of things that they saw off of Facebook, or saw a rise in popularity of that through it. Other people I would like to interview are those who go to things like concerts, plays, or anything like that, because they might be wanting to go to the so they can post pictures and make them seem outgoing, and very exciting.

Now the shots I would be looking for in this documentary are pretty much where people do things that could be entertaining to talk about or even that are boring, but they can talk about how they have to do these things and get response. Some of the entertaining things might be like, movies, and any stadiums. Now some examples of the boring things could be like at the library, where someone can talk about how they have to study all day for school, and then people can respond saying like how they feel badly for them and those types of things.

Now in this documentary I am really focusing on how people not only do things for Facebook, but all social media. I am just really interested in how people try to combine things like a virtual world and the real world, and try to use one in order to improve the other. And I am also interested in which one people are trying to improve. I have been focusing on how people use the real world to make them seem more popular or more entertaining in the virtual world, but I have to also accept the fact that I might be thinking of this in the opposite way. Maybe it is the fact that people use Facebook or any other social media in order to make announcements about there real word events which would help improve that part of it.

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