Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Dark Days

I found that there were many interesting things that the director decided to, things like how they decided on the color, how they decided to show train pass many times, the order of events, and where they did most of the shooting. All of these things combined in order to make a very interesting documentary.

Now I am going to start at the beginning where I found this almost the most interesting part of the documentary. Now obviously a big choice that the director decided to do was to make the film in black and white, now this is something I really didn’t understand and I think that the video would have just been as effective if they decided to make it in color. The only reason that I can really think of that would make them want to do it in black and white, were to make a point how black and white television seems makes it seem very primitive, and it relates how these homeless people have to live primitively, they are unable to have any fancy things or all the luxuries that we don’t even think about.

The things they were showing and what the people were saying were mostly positive. They were almost promoting all of the benefits of being homeless.  A guy was talking about how he can choose his own hours to do what ever he wants, how they have electricity and they can use it all day, but they never have to pay for it. Also they made there houses even though they were made out of wood and very primitive things, they made it seem cozy. Then they eventually move on to talking about all the pets they have, which I didn’t really think about many homeless people having but they talked about a lot how some have had many, many pets and multiple pets at the same time. Now this just seemed to interest me, because you view homeless people as very poor people, but not only are they able to maintain pets but they also mention how on some nights they are able to make enough money to last them the weekend, and allows them to do what they want and relax. This is why I think they kept on showing the train driving by, shows that as they are happy and talking about the positive things it keeps on bringing up the fact that their house is in a subway.

Now as the documentary moved on it started turning negative. They talk about how they have to fight rats off, almost every night and they can sometimes be over ran by them, also they talk about how things can get so serious that they burn each others houses down. They have several people talk about their lives, how they lost their family and lost everything due to mostly drugs, and they show how they are eating out of the trash cans, and they show the rough part of their lives. Then they show how it seems as if society seems to turn against them and kicks them out of their only house.

But as things seem at the lowest they show how society actually does care and they come back in order to help. They show how society helps them off of the streets and help get them into an apartment of their own, and help them get their lives back on track

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